I thought you might enjoy seeing some more pictures of the park we have been staying in during March.
We are leaving Florida bright and early Wednesday morning heading back to Indiana. We will stay in Georgia Wednesday night and then hopefully arrive home late Thursday night. Please pray for our safety as we travel.
Next week I have to get my taxes ready for the accountant, but I sure hope I have a chance to sit down and do some crafting.
I plan to have a Kitchen Shower (brunch) for our daughter Lori, whose home was totally destroyed by fire in February. I sure hope my creative juices start flowing when I get home as I would like to make the invitations.
Thanks so much for sticking with me during these 3 months of no crafting. I promise to try and make it up to you.
Beautiful palms trees line the entry way to greet us as we enter Crystal Lakes Park where we have lived during March. Beautiful Red Geraniums and white Dusty Miller plants surround
each tree.
We love the gorgeous waterfall and beautiful flowers located near the trees. The upkeep of the grounds are done by lots of volunteers and many of the plants are purchased from funds that the "Junkies" donate. They earn this money from donated items that need repair or paint and then they sell them and give the money to the park for upkeep.
A miniature golf course with the club house in the background allows the guests to practice their swings.
Isn't this fountain gorgeous. Every time we pass by, I tell Jon I need one for my garden. Don't you think it would be a nice addition?
I just love it.
This is the view out our front window across the street. Usually there is an RV park there, but they moved out last night. It is already rented and a new one there now.
There is a large room that is used for crafting, painting, stained glass, scrap booking and anything you want to do,
There is also a woodworking shop for the guys,
There is this wonderful restaurant here called Fords Garage (named after Edison Ford) that we just love.
Old cars and trucks make up the atmosphere for the restaurant. It is really a cool place.

This is the sink in the bathrooms.