Adam and Even . Notice the serpent in the tree. Made me cringe just looking at it.

One of the Life Size Dragons.
Jon and I, along with 2 other couples went to Lawrenceburg, Indiana for a few days. Lawrence burg is right on the borders of Ohio and Kentucky. We visited the Creation Museum and I am telling you it was a fantastic experience. We heard and saw all about the creation and why the book of Genesis is so important. Many facts that we were unaware of were discovered and questions we have had were answered.
The Creation Museum (if you can call it a "museum") is a $27 million park (all raised from donations) located in Kentucky just a few miles from Cincinnati. It was founded by Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis. It is devoted to proving that "The Bible is true from Genesis to Revelation!"

In 2016 the replica of Noah's Ark will open. It will be the length of 2 football fields. Lord willing, we anxiously plan to go see it.
If you can possibly go and take your family to the Creation Museum it will certainly be worth the time and money.
I leave at 5:00 AM tomorrow morning for Newburg,
Indiana. Three of my crafting friends and I are
going to this quaint southern Indiana Village to take classes with Ken Oliver. We are over the edge excited and can't wait to learn lots of new things.
Friday night we will learn to make jewelry using the Ice Resin technique and then there are 2 classes on Saturday.
There will be 100 in attendance and Ken has lots of fun things planned, lots of prizes and great gifts from several suppliers. I can't wait to tell you all about it next week.
You can read all about it at